How to choose the right book
Preparing for an experiment in mindful reading.

Use lists. There are tons of reading lists from reputable sources on the Internet, and resources like Goodreads and Amazon compile such lists regularly. You can also use your own list or mine, posted here.

As you choose a book, make sure it meets one of the 12 criteria. When you have read a book that meets one of the criteria, cross it out. They could be:A book that interested you in the cover;a book that has a movie adaptation;an award-winning book;a book based on a true story;a book written in a foreign language;a book published by self-publishing;a book published in the year you were born;a book that your favorite book or movie character likes;a book whose events unfold in a place you would like to visit;a book you have but haven’t read yet;a book you’ve read before.A book with bad reviews.