What happens if to read a book every day
When you read a book every day, you realize that you are constantly gaining new knowledge, that you are in constant development, which in turn greatly affects your self-esteem. Every book you read opens up to you a new picture of the world, a new perspective on life.
Regular reading doesn’t just allow us to distract ourselves and learn new things, but it can literally rebuild our brains. It raises our emotional intelligence, helps us remember facts better, and teaches us to look for alternative solutions to difficult problems more effectively.
Reading not only develops, trains the imagination, enriches speech, improves the ability to empathize, and helps one understand and feel better. Reading technical and other nonfiction literature, however, did not have the same effect. Reading also stimulates and develops the brain.

One of the important benefits of reading books is the positive effect it has on our thinking. When we read, we reason more to understand a particular idea of a work. It trains our memory and logic.